Meet your personal assistant

Meet your personal assistant

Meet your personal assistant



Backed by students at

Our Context Engine

Our Context Engine

Our Context Engine

Donna's brain is powered by our proprietary Context Engine, providing you with the best results for your task

We bring together state-of-the-art LLMs and Vision Models to provide a seamless experience

Donna's brain is powered by our proprietary Context Engine, providing you with the best results for your task

We bring together state-of-the-art LLMs and Vision Models to provide a seamless experience

Your privacy matters…

Your privacy matters…

Donna lives on your system locally, and so does all your data

Donna's Context Engine analyzes local data before requesting for your permission to send to the best API for the task

Donna turns off upon encountering sensitive or copyrighted information

It remembers to be safe when you forget

Donna lives on your system locally, and so does all your data

Donna's Context Engine analyzes local data before requesting for your permission to send to the best API for the task

Donna turns off upon encountering sensitive or copyrighted information

It remembers to be safe when you forget

Your privacy matters…

Donna lives on your system locally, and so does all
your data

Donna's Context Engine analyzes local data before
requesting for your permission to send to the best
API for the task

Donna turns off upon encountering sensitive or
copyrighted information

It remembers to be safe when you forget

No, your privacy really matters

No, your privacy
really matters

No, your privacy really matters

All your local data is APFS encrypted

All of our APIs are end-to-end encrypted

Our Context Engine deletes all sensitive data and identifiable information, 100% locally on your computer.

All your local data is APFS encrypted

All of our APIs are end-to-end encrypted

Our Context Engine deletes all sensitive data and identifiable information, 100% locally on your computer.

Feature Requests

Feature Requests

Is there anything we can do to make you feel safer while using Donna?

Is there anything we can do to make you feel safer

while providing highest quality responses?

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